This sample wedding plan includes:
- Church or Civil ceremony including translation, celebrant and booking of venue.
- Assistance with paperwork
- Marriage certificates
- Aperitif: cocktails, wine and canapes
- Wedding reception outdoors overlooking Tuscan hills: starter, main course, desert tablecloths, chairs and tables, tableware, table service. Wines not included
- On-site wedding planner to supervise the event
- Rosie The Wedding Planner to assist you in the planning of the wedding by e-mail, skype and phone correspondence
- Booking of the accommodation and travels
- Coordination fees, Taxes and service for all the above included
EUR 13,050
* Minimum stay and exclusivity required:
In May: Requires 3 nights minimum stay for 30 guests @ approx €220 per person per night including breakfast.
In June and September: Requires 4 nights minimum stay required @ approx €300 per person per night including breakfast.
To see more pictures and information about this wedding villa venue in Tuscany Click here